2024-06-04 07:48:22

5月29日,南非将举(ju)行种族隔离制(zhi)度结束以来的第七(qi)次(ci)大选,此前推动南非人(ren)民解放的“非洲人(ren)国民大会”(ANC,以下简称“非国大”)长期以压倒性优势胜选,但在今年的大选中,“非国大”预计将面临严峻的挑战。近日,大多数民调预测,“非国大”得票率将首次(ci)低于50%;曾任(ren)“非国大”南非总统的雅各(ge)布·祖马(ma)(Jacob Zuma)也选择支持“民族之矛”党派,与“非国大”竞争,给选举(ju)带来更多变数。







实际上,在两国建立外交关系前,我们的政治关系早已建立。在南非反(fan)对殖民主义和种族隔离的斗(dou)争中,中国在最困难的时期给予了(le)我们支持。20世纪(ji)50年代,曼德拉(la)的朋友沃尔特·西苏鲁(Walter Sisulu)被派来到这里会见中国领导人(ren),请求中国支持南方人(ren)民争取自由(you)的斗(dou)争,毛主席等中国领导层毫不犹豫地同意并提供了(le)支持。60年代初,南非的一些自由(you)战士还在中国军事(shi)学院接受(shou)了(le)培训。














































Guancha: How would you assess the present state and future potential of the China South Africa relationship?

Ambassador Cwele: Thank you very much. As the South African ambassador to the People's Republic of China, it’s really been a privilege for me, because our relations matches our young country. We only established the diplomatic relations in 1998 after our freedom. Because it's only after our freedom that President Nelson Mandela changed the apartheid policy and recognized People's Republic of China as the sole representative of Chinese people. So we move away from the relations with Taiwan. It was on Taiwan and Hong Kong, and then Hong Kong was reincorporated.

So when we established these relations, the fundamental thing was that our political relations were long established. China supported us during the most difficult part of our struggles against colonialism and Apartheid. In the 1950s, Nelson Mandela's friend Walter Sisulu came here, sent to meet the leadership of China, asking for support for struggle for freedom. And Chairman Mao and the leadership of China never hesitated to offer this support. They actually went on to train some of our freedom fighters on military colleges in the beginning of the 60s.

So that has been the long established relationships of trust, political trust is very important. Now under President Xi Jinping and President Cyril Ramaphosa, we are taking this relationship to even higher levels. What makes it even more, is that President Xi had a successful state visit last year, which took these relations to even higher level, where they said let's align our key programs for better implementation of our strategic comprehensive partnership. First, we align the South African economic and reconstruction and recovery program, as well as the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, because these talk to each other. And thirdly, they described our relationship of political trust as a relationship of brothers and comrades, which show the high level of trust between our leaders and our leading political organization. So our political relations are solid.

Our economic relations are strengthening. And now we're focusing on people to people exchanges. Just to put the economic ones, for instance, into perspective, when we established the relations in 1998 on January 1st, opened the office in Beijing, the trade between South Africa and China was about 1 billion US dollars. In 25 years it grew to over 56 billion dollars. That's massive, from 1 to 56. And the investment part as well, South African companies are investing here, Chinese companies are also investing in South Africa. And there's a complementarity about this volume of investment. Now China is one of the large investment partners in South Africa. China has been the largest trading partner of South Africa since 2009. And South Africa is the largest trading partner from the African continent of China since 2010, which shows the strength of our economic ties and relations.

However, last year, your trade minister Wang and my trade minister Patel met, and they met again this year in March in Beijing, where there is a common agreement that we have to balance our trade. In order to balance the trade we agree that we should bring more value added products from South Africa, there's agreement between our government and our president on this matter. And we're very happy that last year when our vice president met your vice president here in Beijing to do binational commission, assessing our progress of work, he also visited Shanghai Expo and we had about forty South African companies which just display their value added products in the Shanghai expo. And we continue this work. The key element, basically between us now is how do we work with each other to help each other in terms of new digital economy, modernization of our economy and also coping with global challenges like climate change. We are working very well on this.

So we can see growing strength in all aspects of our relations. We're very happy that there are many South African students who are studying in China. The cooperation on health, the cooperation on science and technology is getting stronger. We're very happy that South Africa is among the first countries where post covid China open for group tourism, because to us, Chinese tourists coming South Africa is a top priority of my president.

So these are the things we only see that there will be more win-win cooperation between our people, our governments and our companies in this respect. And that's what we do on a daily basis to keep this relationship going, and we never get tired, we continue to take it higher to higher levels. And that's why we’re able, even on the continent, to agree to work on joint projects to assist the integration of Africa, the peace in Africa, we’re working with China. Your President Xi Jinping, and my President Ramaphosa met with African leaders at the sidelines of the BRICS summit in South Africa, where these matters were discussed in detail. In November last year, as President Xi promised, one of the key elements which was stifling the African countries was the access of their agriculture products, because they didn't have scientists to certify safety of their food. President Xi Jinping promised to offer training, called a meeting in Hainan province in the south in November, we show that what our leader say, it's done. They don't just give false promises. So we can see this relationship getting stronger and stronger from all elements, from economic, to people to people and the political.

Guancha: BRICS is definitely one of the key elements of the relationship. This year, what the world's attention is focused on is Russia's BRICS Summit. So how do you think it will inherit the message or the spirit of South Africa's BRICS Summit last year. And what has been your role in fostering this?

Ambassador Cwele: Thank you very much. We had a very successful BRICS summit, against all odds last year. Some people thought the BRICS was going to collapse, not going to meet. It was a first meeting of leaders post covid. It happened just after the sanctioning of Russia and pressure on the Russian president. But the summit succeeded, because we got common vision as BRICS countries.

We do not emphasize things which would create differences. We emphasize things where we unite as BRICS countries, and that's what has impressed most developing countries. That's why there are so many applicants, I want to join. Over 25 countries expressed interest last year, and I'm sure there will be more countries expressing interest as we go to Russia. Guancha: Something else that Global South countries have particularly paid great attention to is the war in Gaza. South Africa has filed a suit against Israel in the Hague, accusing them of genocide. This has surprised some countries that it's South Africa leading this and not a Muslim country. So why is South Africa taking such a strong stance? And what do you think of the western opposition to your stance? But we're not heard. To us, the issue of international solidarity is the principle under which our democracy was founded. To remember Nelson Mandela, he said we will never be free until people of Palestine are free, because we know what it’s like to be oppressed. If you’re an oppressor, it is easy to forget. But if you’re on the receiving end it’s difficult to forget. We can forgive even those who oppress us, but we would stand up to the evil head of racism, blatant abuse of human rights, which are guaranteed by international law, we will stand up. Guancha: On the upcoming South African elections. Polls show your party, ANC, is likely going to be fall below 50% for the first time, and your former President Zuma is playing a counter-productive role in this, from your party’s perspective. What do you think about this election and how do you think the international community should look at this? On the issue of the former president, who is still a member of the ANC, but suspended at that moment, supporting another party or leading another party is not a good thing for the ruling party. But I don't think his support is so big that it may make him as a significant player. The current projected supported by so called polls is about 8%, but we don't know how much he will get. But we believe that the current stability brought by the leading party, and the projected stability, because look at the manifesto, it will convince many people that continuity is very important because we're a young country. We never thought that, with the challenges we face because of apartheid of over 342 years of colonialism will be eliminated just in 30 years, but we've made progress. We have delivered basic services as a government. We have transformed South Africa to be a united country from a divided country. Those are major achievements in just a few years, and we believe that we will continue with these projects, and at a greater pace even after elections, so that we continue to play our role, not only domestic but at the international level, where countries like China are pushing for peaceful development, peaceful coexistence and cooperation and solidarity among nations.
