2024-06-02 01:49:11


近日,在北京对话与(yu)联合国南方中心联合举办的“金(jin)砖国家货币和金(jin)融体系改革”对话会期间,北京对话秘书长(chang)韩桦对话俄罗斯瓦尔代俱乐部项目总监、俄罗斯高等经济大学(xue)教授奥列格·巴拉巴诺夫(Oleg Barabanov),讨论了俄罗斯“转向东方”战略及中俄关系,俄乌冲突期间的俄罗斯经济转型(xing),普京的新一(yi)任期施政(zheng)方向,即将在俄举办的金(jin)砖峰会等话题。







很多人都感到惊(jing)讶,在美国和欧(ou)洲的制裁(cai)压力下,俄罗斯经济现在表现得如此地好。但是,我们之所(suo)以能在制裁(cai)下经济发展良好,其中一(yi)个关键的原因也许正是政(zheng)府 30年(nian)来首次开始投(tou)资实体产业。事实上,我们的新任国防(fang)部长(chang)别洛乌索夫先(xian)生曾任第一(yi)副总理,他就大力倡导投(tou)资工业,是重(zhong)要(yao)的思想家。



韩桦 :所(suo)以你的意思是,在过去(qu)30年(nian)里(li),你们已经为实体产业打(da)下了坚实的基础。由于(yu)战争,军(jun)费(fei)开支的溢出效应自然会产生一(yi)些经济成果,对吗?





对于(yu)未(wei)来规划,普京有一(yi)个习惯,在新任期开始后,他会立即发布一(yi)系列总统令,提出他的中期经济愿景,应对未(wei)来六年(nian)可(ke)能会出现的问题。普京的就职日通常(chang)是5月 7日,这些法令也都是在5月发布的,我们称之为 "五月法令"。最新的五月法令也已发布,其中普京就如何发展经济和社会提出了一(yi)些愿景。
















事实上,俄罗斯与(yu)欧(ou)盟(meng)的进出口量当时(shi)约占(zhan)俄罗斯对外贸易总量的一(yi)半(ban)。我记得大约10年(nian)前,在普京总统和习近平主席的一(yi)次会晤(wu)中,他们提出了中俄外贸额应达到 1000亿美元的想法。差不多十年(nian)前,这个目标被认为过高了,当时(shi)我们的双(shuang)边外贸额仅约600亿。但现在,中俄之间的贸易额已达2200亿美元,超出10年(nian)前目标的两倍多。这些数字表明,现在俄罗斯对促进与(yu)中国在经济方面(mian)的合作有着(zhe)极大的兴趣。此外,我们还在发展与(yu)亚洲其他经济大国的经济关系,与(yu)印度和其他国家的关系也在不断发展。












奥列格·巴拉巴诺夫:俄罗斯政(zheng)府、部委和非(fei)政(zheng)府组(zu)织都在为这次峰会做准备,这次峰会被视(shi)为今年(nian)俄罗斯外交政(zheng)策的重(zhong)大活动。每次金(jin)砖国家峰会的议(yi)程总是相当广泛(fan)的,主席国的总结报告、峰会后的宣言,长(chang)达数十页, 俄罗斯也在积极做准备。







Han Hua: This military operation, lasted almost like two year and a half. So Russia's economy is also shifting its structure from more natural resources based, to a more diverse economic development structure. This is what I understand. Can you elaborate a little bit on this and how to foresee the economic future for Russia.

Oleg Barabanov: Yes, that's true. Also from my personal point of view, it’s better that we discuss it among us, because for the Chinese audience would be understandable more. Because Russia, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and after the Communist Party stopped to be at the leadership of the country. Russia economically always followed the neoliberal model. So all the large scale state investment into real industries were quite limited. Now for oil and gas exploration, sure, to that sphere, there were quite significant investments, both state and private. For all real industries, for machine building, for production of various goods, the state investment, the state initiative to invest were limited or almost non existent, and all our governments just follow the neoliberal model as the first axiom on market financial stability, to stop the inflation rate and so on, and all the investment into real industries were considered as a bad communist heritage. And so it was not only a political economic decision, it was unfortunately the ideological decision. And now by force, after the start of the military operation in Ukraine, our government was forced to invest into real industries, sure mainly to the military production, we can already see a spillover from the military investments into the civilian production sector.

And frankly speaking, for the 30 years after the end of the communist rule in Russia, our government started to invest into the real industries. And for me, because many people are surprised that the Russian economy now behaves quite well, quite effective under sanctions, under pressure of American and European sanctions. But maybe one of the key answers why we became quite effective under sanctions, it is exactly that the government started for the first time in 30 years to invest in real industries. And in fact, Mr Belousov, our new minister of defense, he was the first deputy prime minister before, and he was the key protagonist, the key ideologists in a good sense of the word, of investing into industries, because there are two factions, within our governmental circles. One is neoliberal, just focusing of macro financial things and another one was the idea to promote the investment into industrial projects; and Belousov was one of them, at least what we could see publicly, he supported investment into the industries. And maybe this is also those skills will be useful to his new position as a minister of defense, to coordinate budget spending into military industries.

Han Hua: Very interesting. So you mean that in the past 30 years that actually you have made solid foundation into real industries. And because of the war or the military operations, it just creates some natural results because of the military spending and because of the spillover of the military spending, right?

Oleg Barabanov: Yeah, that's true.

Han Hua: And also the economist who's now the Defense Minister is like the driver behind all the process. So let me ask you this. Putin’s reelections as president signals very strong stability during a very difficult time in your country. So what do you think we can expect over the next six years?

Oleg Barabanov: Well, it's sure that the figures of his electoral result were quite high, because usually for his last reelections, the figures were about 70% in his support. Now all the central electoral commission proclaimed that the result was 87%. So more or less 15%, 17% higher. And officially it was explained that there is a growing support for the president during the current geopolitical situation.

For the plans, Putin has a habit immediately after the start of his new term, he publish a series of presidential decrees of his medium term economic vision, what could be a problem for the next six years? Because the day of inauguration is traditionally May 7, and all those decrees are published in May as well, we name them the May decrees. And so the newest May decree was published. Now there is some vision of the president on how to develop the economy and society. He promise that the budget spending to social sphere, to social economic sphere should not be diminished because of the growing percentage of the military spending. And in fact, there are, in this May decree, there are some quite large scale projects on the family, on support of the families, on support of the schooling, on support of medicine, to other sectors. So now what is important is the fulfillment of those May decrees, because we have quite diverging remarks in the Russian experts sphere, how the results of the previous May decrees were achieved or not achieved in full. And if not, why were they not achieved. As for the new ambitious program behind the May decrees, but the question is how it could be achieved effectively.

Han Hua: Is there any talk or consideration of post Putin?

Oleg Barabanov: For the moment, I think no, because he was reelected with a very high result. Now he will have six years more. And at least within Russia, sure, we have the opposition circles and many of them have immigrated from Russia after the start of the war, and sure they have quite divergent views on Putin, but within the country, at least in the public sphere, at least the mainstream media mainstream Telegram channels, other spheres of social media, we can’t see any alternative for the moment, at least, nobody was proposed as an alternative. So for the moment, I don't see that there will be some new event.
